Monday, July 29, 2013

Welcome to A Moderate's Meal

This is the beginning of a blog by a frustrated former moderate. I recently sat down and thought deeply about how I moved from being a moderate to being a solid liberal. I believe we should be allowed to own guns, but I am also ok with reasonable restrictions on that right. I also believe that we need to take care of others when they are in need, yet I still believe that part of what makes my country great is a philosophy of self-reliance and entrepreneurship. My frustration really materialized when I realized that my political beliefs have changed very little, but the current political climate has reclassified those beliefs from "middle-of-the-road" to "left-leaning." The point of this blog is to spark candid conversations with those who are like-minded and who disagree with me completely. I intend to discuss current events, political issues, and general philosophy in this blog. I lay it out as I see it, but I also promise to keep an open mind. If I realize that I'm wrong, I'll admit it and change my position. With luck, some of you will too. I hope to bring people closer together rather than push them further apart.

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